2.1.3 Thermolysis of Mercury Oxide

1.Test tube with orange mercury(II) oxide 2.Heating the substance with a Bunsen burner
Test tube containing orange mercury(II) oxide Heating the substance using a Bunsen burner
3.Detecting the oxygen formed using a glowing splint 4.Separated, elemental mercury
Check for oxygen using a glowing splint test Separated, elemental mercury

Photo 1: Mercury(II) oxide is an orange, highly poisonous substance that is formed when mercury that is exposed to air is heated to 300-350°C.
Photo 2: At temperatures higher than 400°C, mercury(II) oxide decomposes once again into its consitutent elements:

2 HgO       >2 Hg + O2

Photo 3: The oxygen released can be detected using a glowing splint.
Photo 4: The mercury released collects on a cool area of the test tube.
