Solutions to the Exercises

Solution to Exercise
Structural formula for rhodamine 6G

Solution to Exercise
The factor X has the units Js (Joule×second). The constant in question is Plank's constant (6.626×10-34Js).
Solution to Exercise
The Rydberg Formula yields a frequency of n=6.17×1014. Using l = c / n we get the transitional wavelength 486.1 nm, corresponding to the blue line in the spectrum of hydrogen.
Solution to Exercise
97.8 °C = 370.95 Kelvin = 208.04 °Fahrenheit
Solution to Exercise
Compared to the volume of the container, the volume of the liquid phase can be ignored. The ideal gas law (pV = nRT) gives a post-reaction pressure of 530 mbar.
Solution to Exercise
41.85 g aluminum are necessary.
Solution to Exercise
A reaction using 2 mol aluminum releases 852 kJ. To raise the temperature of 200 g of water from 20 °C to 80 °C, one needs a heat amount of 200 g × 60 K × 4.184 J / (g × K) = 50.21 kJ. The required amount of aluminum comes to 3.18 g.
Solution to Exercise
The formation of 1 mol NH4Cl produces 177 kJ heat.
Solution to Exercise
Given that only the gas forming reaction partners are present, the mass action law is formulated using partial pressures rather than concentrations:
The equilibrium constant Kp has the value 6.25×10-4 bar-2.
Solution to Exercise 5.6.1
Radioactive decay is the only reaction in which reaction speed is independent of temperature.
Solution to Exercise 5.7.1
When 50% of the original hydrogen peroxide has decayed, then c(A) = 1/2×c0(A). This yields: t1/2 = ln 2 / k
Solution to Exercise
The gas container contains 0.164 kg nitrogen.
Solution to Exercise
The mean speed of N2 molecules at 0 °C is 493.3 m/s.
Solution to Exercise OC 1.2.1
The light must have a wavelength of at least 494 nm or less. (As a comparison, blue light has a wavelength of roughly 470 nm.)
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